
Sunday, 18 December 2011

Event Calender 2012 ! Where is Boys Picnic ?


I still wonder , when will NED add " Boys Picnic " in thjusteir Event Calender . So many,years do biys deserve a picnic ? or they just cannot handle us ? We will submit an application soon but I know it wont be approved . 

Spring Festival 2012

The most awaited event is Spring Festival ! Wow , Mech Gola is the most favorite spot  in Spring Festival and many more. 

SENTEC , ITEC and TECHELITE ( Science ExhibitionS and Competitions ) :

Last year , all were a huge success . All events got good responses and applicants from all around Pakistan . 
Link of official websites are given below:

SENTEC : http://sentec.neduet.edu.pk/
ITEC : http://www.neditec.org.pk/
TECHELITE : http://www.techelite.org.pk/

More big events ! Calender is given below :


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